What is our primary focus?

Pure Harmony

KMSystems core business operates primarily in the Business to Employee (B2E) space where we apply a highly effective & harmonious blend of programming, web design and Continuous Improvement disciplines.

Simplify, automate, consolidate, integrate

We are highly skilled and experienced at partnering with the business to identify manual or poorly managed 'cottage industry' processes like, ad-hoc spreadsheets, databases, paper-based and antiquated data capture mechanisms and streamlining them through centralised, integrated web applications that are robust, flexible and scalable.

Long tail, short spend

Long Tail B2E software: Solutions that don’t often get big I.T. spend allocations, but that are critical to efficient and effective operation of individual departments or business units. Whether it be a tool to track marketing campaigns  or a facility that enables more effective collaboration between the sales force and product development department, KMSystems can provide cost-effective solutions to accommodate those discretionary spend budgets.

Below is a diagram that illustrates the Long Tail of software development as it occurs in most businesses; we refer to those areas as ‘Hack’ and ‘Unserved’ and they represent our key areas of focus.

Runs on the board...

...we’ve got plenty of those. We have designed and built over 100 successful corporate web applications including:

·         Employee and Customer facing Innovation Management Systems

·         Project Status reporting tools (activity calendars)

·         Contact Centre call tracking & reporting tools

·         Human Resources reporting and capability mapping

·         Sales performance tracking and reporting

·         Supplier management

·         Learning & Development tools

·         ...etc. Click here to see some examples of some of our recent projects.